
Age 29

Joined on 1/13/14

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RTC626's News

Posted by RTC626 - June 3rd, 2016

Welp, long time no log in. Life has been pretty busy lately with school, trying to find a job and stuff. But that does not mean that I've been slacking off on drawing whenever I can, just that I have not gotten time to upload the doodles I've done. But lately I started doing a new project that I hope would be finished before the release of the new pokemon games this year. So i'm back! Now that summer has started!

Posted by RTC626 - September 11th, 2015

Well??? Its been almost 10 months since I posted anything. College has been great so far... no new friends yet again. Um what else? Started playing fun pokemon rom games thanks to a buddy of mines. Playing Pokemon Zeta and I'm thinking of drawing my current team. Very proud of the team I raised, might have a ton of weaknesses to many commonly used types but they managed to get me the eighth badge after two tries. Hmm... what else... Oh! I also nailed the two interviews for this one job I was recommended for, just waiting for the call back to do an online test and that drug test thingy. So that's got me pump! Final thing I would like to say is hope that everyone has a great day and its great to be back! Might post something later today, if not the earliest next week!

Posted by RTC626 - November 22nd, 2014

I am currently puttting my nuzlock challenge on hold due to college and the new pokemon game Alpha Sapphire. The only news from the leafgreen nuzlock challenge is that Shay the sandshrew as evolved and earned herself as the teams tank.

In Alpha Sapphire news!! Mudkip was my starter. My sister has Omerga Ruby with torchic on her team.

I all ways do a rotation team when the new main games come out. And if they are the second game that comes out in a generation like platinum, heart gold soul silver, and black 2 white 2. I usually prepare a small team I want based on the pokedex of that game. Since this is the Hoenn remake, I thought why not remake part of my original team from third gen Hoenn region. So here is my team without further ado:

Marshtomp the Marshtomp

Bruh the Marshtomp

Inu the Poochyena

Evans the Ralts

Jeremy the Budew

Daisy the Feebas

Deep Freezer the Glalie

Randall the Bagon

Ken the Treecko

The Boom, Boomer, Braver, and Sky the Tailow gang

MetalHead the Shiny Beldum

Team background coming up later

Current location: Route 116

Latest achivment: Defeated Roxanne and caught the Tailow gang

Posted by RTC626 - November 14th, 2014

Update of what has happened yesterday...

Shay the Shadshrew has finally proven herself to being parrt of the team after yesterdays gym battle with Misty. Shay was able to withstand Starmie's water pulse just barely, dispite being 4 levels weaker, and won us the battle.

Going on to the new members:

Bite-Size 5 (the fifth) the Zubat. A zubat that has the ability to hop from reality to reality. This is the fifth incarnation of Bite-Size from FireRed 9 or 10 years ago. 

Wild Vines the Bellsprout. A perverted girl this one is. Was attacked by her late at night while doing some trainning and she apparently wanted to do some of her own grinding with the girls on my team.

Kahty the Kadabra.  Thank Go-Go for this, she was able to paralze this Abra before she got a chance to escape. She evolved after spending some time at the day care. Her true strength in battle has not been tested.

AJ the Meowth. A devilsih little prankster. A very lazy meowth that does nothing but scratch things and does not want to learn or use pay day.

Jeremy the Diglett. This smaller than average Diglett. This speedy boy has developed a rivalry with Go-Go for fasted land runner on the team.

Yuno the Drowzee. The creepy stalker of the team. She caught me off by surprise late last night, while setting up camp. Good thing Ult. Rath was able to withstand her Hypnosis and helped me catch her.

Ch'Ding the farfetch'd. A Farfetch'd that I got as a trade in exchange of catching a spearow for them. Wanted to use him for a recipe that I found. But I was able to use the S.S. Anne ticket to get into the all you can eat buffet, so Ch'Ding was able to save himself from being eaten... for now that is.

Current location: The S.S Anne 

Posted by RTC626 - November 11th, 2014

Dina the Ivysaur. As a bulbasaur she was smaller than the rest of the starters. She is pretty much a laid back pokemon until you get her mad, then you better run for cover from her vine whip attack. She evolved after having cleared the nugget bridge on our way to Bill's house. After evolving she still remained as laid back as ever only difference is that she is not as easy to get mad as she was a bulbasaur. She is still smaller than the average Ivysaur but her bulb is far larger and wonderful than any other. 

Destiny the Pidgey. She is a pretty brave little bird for having to stand up to a herd of wild rattata that were bullying a small Pidgey on route 1. She is surpisingly strong for her size as she defeated our rival's Pidgeotto on her own who was at the time four levels higher than her. She as orange feathers instead of brown feathers, similar to that of a Pidgeot's crest. Earning the name Destiny, as she is destined to evolve into something great.

Ultimate Wrath (or Ult. Rath) the Mankey. A highly agresive and extra furry Mankey. The leader of a group of Mankey that lived on route 22 and terrorized the people of Viridian City. The extra fur on his chest make it look like he is wearing a fur coat. He put up quite a fight before being capture. Even after being captured he tries to prove that he is the strongest in the team, even though we all know that he is the strongest fighter. He is not that bright even for a Mankey. He earned the name Ultimate Wrath for his huge temper that we called "The Ulimate of all temper tantrums" yet we call him Ult. Rath because he is not as intelligent similar to the alien Rath from Ben 10.

Kitty the Butterfree. A tank for something so frail looking. As a Caterpie he was larger and bulkier than a normal Caterpie, capable of taking many hits. Because of his bulky and buff physic the thought himself as a protector. As a protector he thought he did not need to spend three levels as a Metapod and refused to evolve once he reached Lv 7. He evolved at Lv 9 into Metapod and spent only one trainer battle as a Metapod as he evolved right away into a larger than life Butterfree that was able to take down Brock's Geodude after taking multiple hits from it and chipped away at his Onix a bit before switching out. Kitty did not live long as his time grew short during the battle with our rival at Cerulean City. After a long battle in fighting our rivals team, my team was sevearly crippled with everyone with a few hit points left. Our rival sent out his level 18 Charmander and I sent out Kitty who was still able to fight. After dodging and getting hit by ember, Kitty was burned and up in flames. As a final attack, Kitty let out a powerful confusion attack that landed as a crit and causing Charmander to be confused. But it also caused Charmander to activate Blaze, ending Kitty's life in a blaze of glory. He died doing what he does best and loves the most,defending his friends from harm.

Go-Go the Pikachu. A Pikachu with the need for speed. She has a tough older sister like attitude to the younger members on the team. She only cares about going faster and going beyond the limits of her speed. Because of that, the other member on my team find it hard to get along with her. She actually has a caring personality but she has a hard time expersing it to others which ends up making other see her as a loner with a thing for speed. She was caught in Viridian Forest running around trying to improve her speed. As she proved herself as the fastest in the forest she did not take into in acount that there is a world outside the forest who have other pokemon that are faster than her. She decided to join us so that she can prove to the world that she is the fastest Pikachu in Kanto.For now... She is named after the super hero Go-Go from Big Hero 6 who also has a thing for going fast.

Rin the Nidorina. A Nidorina with green barbs that resmbles long green hair for some reason. As a Nidoran, she had a few green barbs that released a powerful poison for something that small at that time. She evolved after we defeated all the trainers at Nugget bridge. After that she became the second strongest member on my team. She is named as a suggestion from a friend of mines asked me to name her.

Shay the Sandshrew. A Sandshrew with long armour plates on her head that resembels long brown hair. She was caught after Kitty's death. She put up quite a fight as hardly anyone could dent her tough hide and defence. Even thought she has a tough defence, she is not that good of a fighter though. She now has to fill in some big shoes that Kitty left behind as the teams tank. Will she be up for the job or will the close calls she keeps getting into force her into early retirement to Box 2?

We will continue the challenge next time. Current location:Cerulean City Pokemon Center.

Posted by RTC626 - November 10th, 2014

The Nuzlocke has been going great! Had a few close calls with one of the new team members.

So this is the new line up on my team:

  1. Dina the Lax Bulbasaur (Female) Lv. 12
  2. Destiny the Brave Pidgey (Female) Lv. 10
  3. Ult. Rath the Adamant Mankey (Male) Lv. 10

Now for the new members that joined

  1. Go-Go the Modest Pikachu (Female) Lv. 10
  2. Kitty the Quiet Butterfree (Male) Lv. 11

Let us see who will be the last member of the team before background information for each team member is revealed


Last Member:

Rin the Bold Nidoran (Female) Lv. 7

Posted by RTC626 - November 10th, 2014

Well I have thought about it and decided to start a Nuzlocke Challenge on the LeafGreen game I just got.

So far I have three pokemon on my team:

  1. Dina the Lax Bulbasaur (Female) Lv. 6
  2. Destiny the Brave Pidgey (Female) Lv. 7
  3. Ult. Rath the Adamant Mankey (Male) Lv. 5

Let us see how far this journey can take us!!

Posted by RTC626 - August 27th, 2014

Um... I have no idea what to write. So... Cat!! This is your fault!! Tu baka neko!!